Robin (Hemmons) Alozie

Liberty Learning Support Special Education Teacher, Liberty Class of 2000

Robin Alozie Headshot

My name is Robin (Hemmons) Alozie, and I am proud to be #BuiltByBethlehem. I attended Thomas Jefferson Elementary School, Northeast Middle School, and Liberty High School as a member of the Class of 2000. 

Throughout my life, many people poured values, wisdom, and knowledge into me that has taught me to keep the human heart and spirit of soul in the forefront of all I do and say. This guidance from my parents, neighbors, church family, and beloved mentors not only helped shape who I am today, but continue to guide how I interact with my students and colleagues on a daily basis, both in and outside of the school building. I am a product of my community, both the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. After attaining degrees from Temple and Lehigh, I returned back to my HS Alma Mater as a Learning Support Special Education teacher. At Liberty, I am also an Academic Leadership Seminar instructor of the “Lady Leaders”. Working alongside our Community Partners and BASD Alumni, we provide college & career readiness tools, leadership skills, and social-emotional support needed by our 21st century learners to be successful and value giving back to her community, just as we do. In the words of Shirley Chisholm, “Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.”

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