BASD eNews Highlights Marcus Soares Travassos

Marcus arrived to BASD from Brazil in 2018. He has shown a great deal of leadership in welcoming all the new students that have arrived from Brazil this year. He has communicated with parents, met students as they got off the bus, gave them tours of the school, and made sure they met all the other Portuguese speakers. He has also been tutoring other students in their native language of Portuguese. He had made plans to escort and translate for a group of Brazilian soccer players to meet the new coach after school. As of today, we have enrolled 10 new Brazilian students this year, bringing the enrollment to 16. 


The BASD e-News is designed to inform BASD staff, parents, students, and the Bethlehem Community with updated information weekly. We hope you find it informative. If you would like to highlight a student, staff member, or a BASD graduate or an activity at your school please email, Barbara Clymer at [email protected].

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