BASD eNews Highlights Malachi Alleyne

Malachi Alleyne is a third grade student at Marvine Elementary School. During the fall semester, Malachi was a self-motivator and achieved Grand Champion status in First in Math, earning 10,000+ stickers. Malachi is a respective participant during classroom discussions. He is able to defend his thoughts. Malachi is considerate of his classmates' views and opinions during all times. He practices Leader-in-Me habit #4: Think-Win-Win. Malachi is a participant in Marvine's After-School programs. He has joined the soccer program and plans to join the STEAM club too!

The BASD e-News is designed to inform BASD staff, parents, students, and the Bethlehem Community with updated information weekly. We hope you find it informative. If you would like to highlight a student, staff member, or a BASD graduate or an activity at your school please email, Barbara Clymer at [email protected].

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